The Orchid Core Curriculum
Feast your eyes on the secret sazón to our success. Our Orchids are cultured, brilliant, well-rounded, well-connected (thank you, awesome sauce Board), multilingual, continental style, financially literate, well-read future whatever-they-want-to-be busy bees.

We are learning code language and technology through interactive lessons with our partners at Codecademy. We sound fancy right?! Python, Swift, HTML, CSS yep our brilliant Orchids with the help of our Orchid Angels at Codecademy speak that language tooooo. Next we take over the world.
The college application process can be brutal and scary. No fear, The Orchid Foundation is here! We help each of our Orchids individually with everything from college selection to application completion. But wait there’s more…our super donors turn their offices into college admissions headquarters. Each Orchid arrives dressed in her interview bests and leaves with thorough notes on her college essay, but not before being interviewed by alum from Duke, U Penn, Harvard and more. Our super donor Coller Capital hosted our inaugural College Bootcamp. If you are jealous and want to join in on the fun send your girls an email.

A great philosopher once said, “Tis better to have a $10 purse with $1000 in it than a $1000 purse with $10 in it.” Oh wait, our founder, Nichole Galicia, said that. Our Orchids spend senior year becoming financially literate, buying and selling stocks, investing in Roth IRA’s and saving for our blindingly bright futures. Can you say “compound interest”?

Every teenager at some point will be asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?" To help our Orchids make the most informed decision we hold career day field trips several times a year. Professionals host us in their work environments where we get an up close account of the ins and outs of a variety of careers, have the opportunity to ask questions and learn at the feet of experts. Email us if you'd like to volunteer for career day.

We have a love fest going on at The Orchid Foundation. We are overflowing with support and goodwill, so every year we plan to pay it forward by supporting teens less fortunate than ourselves. This year The Orchid Foundation is raising money for homeless kids at Covenant House and a family in Altadena, CA. We set up a crowdfunding page, solicited our community for help, put on bake sales and did some old fashioned begging of parents, friends and really anyone in arms length all for a good cause. Check out our X and instagram pages @theorchidfdn and/or subscribe to our newsletter for more information.

We offer tutoring year round in every subject. We also host SAT and ACT bootcamp the summer of sophomore and junior years where we identify weak points to strengthen and take practice tests. Oh so many practice tests. But wait there’s more...the Orchids then take two to three real SATs. Scores, tutor, scores, tutor. The early bird gets...everything!

The arts and The Orchid Foundation are like almond butter and Honeycrisp apples #PerfectTogether. So, every year we find fun ways to incorporate the classics into our educational repertoire. Whether resident art historian Kent Alessandro is putting us through our Renaissance, Baroque and Pop art paces or Emmy winner Chris Silber creates a film school just for us, or Grammy Award winner Printz Board is creating the soundtrack to our lives, or we study art history with Heart of the Art NYC founder Emily Sachar, our Orchids are getting their well-rounded on. Check out our fancy on twitter and instagram: @theorchidfdn

We curate once in a lifetime experiences for our Orchids. Whether Academy Award nominee, writer/director of Yellowstone Taylor Sheridan invites us to his ranch courtesy of Paramount or fashion designer to the stars Carmen Marc Valvo is donating gowns for prom or the time we rang the closing bell at Nasdaq, or posed for celebrity photographer Udo Spreitzenbarth & America’s Next Top Model’s lead stylist Ty-Ron Mayes during a self esteem boosting photoshoot... after we study our bums off, we are up to fancy things at The Orchid Foundation! We have a team of Orchid Angels that support and guide us. Blessings on blessings on blessings on blessings.

Blossom Coumba read an article that stated the average millionaire has seven streams of income. We have boss lady dreams at The Orchid Foundation so Seven Streams is where we nurture our entrepreneurial spirit. Everything from Youtube empires to real estate ventures, in Seven Streams we put on our secure the bag hats, brainstorm ideas and make them happen. Support us as we seek our own seven streams of income. We are currently seeking a real estate mentor. Holler at your Orchids!

Sometimes yucky stuff happens. At The Orchid Foundation we don't cry it out, we fight it out. OK sometimes we cry too, but then we hit the gym for some fat busting, soul lifting physical therapy. Our super donor Michael Olajide Jr, creator of Aerospace donates boxing lessons and Uriah Hurst keeps us motivated and feeling like "demigoddesses" through his unique circuit training routines. In addition to moving our bodies, nutritionist Dr. Susan Vanucci is teaching us how to make healthy food choices with personalized wellness counseling. Our Orchids are learning to become lean mean fancy lady like brilliant fighting machines.

We are hands on with our Orchids, curating group events that build sisterhood amongst the girls, as well as one on one activities that cater to each girl’s individual needs. The focus is on building self esteem, character and the can do spirit needed to be successful in today’s world. Sisterhood is the heartbeat of what we do.

We are actively looking for a seat at the table, your table to be exact. Organizations like Epoch Investment Partners, VINTUS, Givsly and Eleven+ offer Orchids #paid internships. Jelly? Let us sit with you. We seek to expand our partnership with as many companies as will have us. How else are we going to pay for college while we soak up all your knowledge? Drop us an email at theorchidfoundation@gmail.com We promise to fit you with an Orchid that aligns with your needs. As the title "Residency" implies, we hope to stick around for more than just one summer. Looking for a self-starting perfectionist with a great work ethic who will take constructive criticism while multitasking and is a people person? Duh that's Orchid Alexa, hire us.

I'm sure there is some fancy statistic about the value of having a mentor. I don't need to google it because I already know that Kent changed my life. Every Orchid has a mentor that she has met at one of our many career days. We are better because of those relationships. I encourage our girls to find her own Kent, because I'm not sharing mine. Thank you Emily and Kathleen and Zoe and Lauren and James and Anthony and Savoy and Amyn and Ty-Ron and Josh. Watch how we change the world and give you your much deserved credit.

We are all about girl power at The Orchid Foundation. Before we go all Wonder Woman 1984 on you, we need a safe space to have discussions on what it means to be a woman in today's world. What happens at The Pink Party, stays at the Pink Party. Designed and co-created by Orchid Alison and our Intern Mal. You must be an 02 or above to attend. Sorry Buds.

What happens in The Orchid Foundation stays in The Orchid Foundation. Especially when it comes to knowledge. Our 01s hold zoom-inars (yeah I just coined a new phrase) to teach all the good good they have learned to the 02s. The attorneys at Lowenstein Sandler taught us how to write cover letters and resumes, Orchid Coumba taught the 02s. Orchid Alison learned Word, Powerpoint and Excel during a summer internship and taught the 02s. Orchid Markayla's zoom-inar is all about the college application process from FAFSA to transferring. Soon the 02's will be teaching the 03's. We have each other's back, front and both sides. Go Orchids!

The Kent is an award that recognizes Orchids who have demonstrated exceptional knowledge and appreciation of art history. Our goal is to support and encourage the next generation of art enthusiasts.
The scholarship is open to anyone who completes the following:
-11 hours with an art historian
-11 museum/gallery visits or art tours
-11 hours of art documentaries selected by Kent and Nichole
-11 photos of a P.O.P.S. work selected by Kent and Nichole
-Interview with, you guessed it, Kent and Nichole
The recipient of the Kent Alessandro Art Achievement will receive $3000.

Blossom Alison once said, “the scariest hood I have ever visited is Adulthood”. Adulting 101 is where our graduates learn how to do all the things vital to surviving in the real world: taxes, Excel, how to properly use HR and a bunch of other things no school teaches you but should.
Fully immerse with the Culture Club, where we turn cultural discovery into our global playground. Our Orchids curate dynamic workshops, lively discussions, and even cook their culture’s traditional cuisine. We educate each other, because who says world domination can't start at The Orchid Foundation? “Who runs the world? Girls!”

Meet Our Orchids
Meet our well-rounded, financially literate, bi-lingual, cool, artsy girls.